CAMMP in the News
Math at UNCC Summer Camp, WFAE, Wednesday July 2, 2008
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CAMMP Articles
Green, M., & Piel, J. A. (2011) Math CAMMP: A constructivist program for teaching and learning. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 394-399, Honolulu, HI. ISSN # 1541-5880.
Green, M., & Piel, J. A. (2013). Constructing, deconstructing, and reconstructing in a graduate math education course. 2013 Conference Proceedings of the 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, 2474-2478, Honolulu, HI.
Green, M., & Piel, J. A. (2015). Overcoming misconceptions and improving knowledge of arithmetic in elementary education undergraduates: A longitudinal study. Proceedings of the Ninth International Technology, Education, and Development Conference, 6541-6546, Madrid, Spain.
Green, M., & Piel, J. A. Celebrating an overcrowded summer math camp: It adds up for over 700 students! Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Orlando, FL, April 8, 2001.
Piel, J., & Green, M. Connecting whole number operations to fractions through “action” language. Paper presented at the annual conference of the North Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Greensboro, October 11, 2001.
Piel, J. A., & Green, M. (2010). Jump right in. Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(2), 72-76.
Piel, J. A., & Green, M. (2013). Constructing number sense in the elementary and middle grades classrooms (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. ISBN: 978-1-4652-04487-6.
Green, M., Piel, J. A., & Flowers, C. (2008). Reversing education majors’ arithmetic misconceptions with short-term instruction. Journal of Educational Research, 101, 234-242.
Piel, J. A., Green, M., & Turner, J. (1999). Wireless gives teachers network access when they need it, not just when its available. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology and Education. Edinburg, Scotland.
Piel, J. A., Gretes, J. A., & Green M. (1995). Computer applications and manipulative mathematics program (CAMMP): Connecting NCTM
Conference Presentations
CAMMP A Creative and Innovative Award Winner Twelve Years Later, North American Association of Summer Sessions, Kansas City, Kansas, fall 2006.
Assessment of a Comprehensive, School-wide Intervention: The CAMMP Experience, The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project Proceedings of the International Conference The Decidable and the Undecidable in Mathematics Education. Brno, Czech Republic, September 2003
CAMMP was again recognized in The Guide to Math & Science Reform (1998) as one of the top reform initiatives for mathematics education in the U.S. This guide is published by the Annenberg /CBA Math and Science Reform Project and is commercially available through Annenberg on Diskette.
CAMMP was recognized in The Guide to Math & Science Reform (1996) as one of the top reform initiatives for mathematics education in the U.S. This guide is published by the Annenberg /CBA Math and Science Reform Project and is commercially available through Annenberg on Diskette.
International winner for "the most creative and innovative summer program in North America." Awarded by the North American Association of Summer Sessions (N.A.A.S.S.). CAMMP was selected for 1st place among 31 nominated programs.